

Reclouder’s Blog


By Thomas Gerbrands
on June 24, 2019 in
Latest News

Audio recording: let’s go hybrid!

In our previous blog post you had the opportunity to meet our “decentralized wireless hybrid audio recorder”. That sounds great and adventurous, don’t you think? You might think it is just hollow phrases. It is only a bunch of marketing terms, right? Please allow us to change your mind on this.

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By Thomas Gerbrands
on May 21, 2019 in
Latest News

We are Reclouder!

Today recording audio can be complex and time consuming. You need to be an expert to record your entire band live on stage. It takes time to set up a multitrack recording device and rewire your instruments correctly using the available live mixer.

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Recent posts

How to record music on stage?

Audio recording: let’s go hybrid!

Reclouder Cloud-based Audio Recording

Why would you record audio in the cloud?

Every cloud has a silver lining

Reclouder Trade Show China

Reclouder: Music China 10-13 October 2019

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