Getting feedback
We started our Facebook page in June 2019 with the intention to go public with our recording solution and get as much feedback from potential users as we could. At the one hand, we wanted to test our idea and concept with the general public. At the other hand, we were looking for feedback to give direction to the development of our hardware recorder, mobile app and cloud service.
Today we offer a complete overview of Reclouder on our dedicated website. We are working with an international team to produce the first video and start the crowdfunding campaign in October 2019. Also we've created a Facebook Group and Instagram account to extend our and get more feedback. We even started to share our story on Medium, and got already a dozen of mentions in the online press ranging from Ask.Audio to
We have shared a lot about what Reclouder is. In short it is simply the best way to record audio outside of your studio. We've received much positive feedback. Many profound questions. Along the way we cleared a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about our product and services. We have enjoyed the conversations we've had so far and deeply appreciate the commitment we've experienced from the global community of creators. This blog is about exactly that interaction. The eight things Reclouder is not, as taken from our conversations online.
Think of this scenario: you're in a band. You'd like to record your live performances. You don't have access to or don't know how to operate console recording. Like each musician in the band have his own instrument and accessories, now each one of them can have his own recording device, with the advantage that the device is as simple to operate as a stomp-box.
Eight (8) things Reclouder is NOT!
We are aware of the short time span the average netizen has today. That is why we just give you this short list without any further explanation.
- Reclouder is not a scam
- Reclouder is not a toy
- Reclouder is not an audio over Bluetooth recorder
- Reclouder is not a content grabber that steals your copyrights
- Reclouder is not a replacement for a (live) mixing console
- Reclouder is not comparable with recording on your mobile phone
- Reclouder is not an audio interface
- Reclouder is not replacing the sound engineer
If you have the time, we invite you to investigate and read further below. We will thoroughly explain every point of this list. Feel free to get a better understanding of our vision and mission. When you are ready to find out what Reclouder is, we recommend to start with this blog post. In short, Reclouder is about freedom. The freedom of creating audible content. The decision is up to you!
I haven't read all about it. Let alone tested it, but if it works, it is revolutionary, as was ADAT.
Reclouder is not a scam! Occasionally we receive strange feedback on our social advertisements. Sometimes it is from people that don't believe we can record an entire band with our device. In most cases they just misunderstood our workflow and the ability to link multiple devices with Bluetooth Mesh Networking technology. We also consider that people intend to distrust anything that is connected with cloud services and ironically are eager to share that on Facebook. More about that later. We can honestly tell you that Reclouder is not a scam. We are in an early stage of development and preparing our crowdfunding campaign. This means that we still run into issues and complications while testing our prototypes and developing our cloud service. We do not have all the answers, but are more than willing to get them.
Reclouder is not a toy! As soon as people understand that we can record a live band on stage or a multi-camera project by using multiple Reclouders in a recording network, some people get a bit angry, frustrated or fearful. As we promote being an easy solution that can be operated by anyone, we get ourselves into a bit of trouble with a few dedicated experts. We understand that people see a mobile app, the mention of Bluetooth and a single-click operation workflow and say: "compared to what I have , that is a toy". We are aware that comparing sizes happens more often between males. We've developed our own pro-grade preamp and a new approach to recording audio with a reason. As we like to mention we record "decentralised" with a "hybrid" recording solution. We make recording audio accessible for a wide range of creators and why doing so we will always keep in mind: "keep it simple". Simple is not a synonym for toy. That is not what we are aiming at. We are aiming to make recording of audio and multitrack available for as much musicians and creators as we can. Therefore, we believe, it is mandatory, that we keep it simple, easy to digest and effective.
Reclouder is not an audio over Bluetooth recorder! This is a mistake commonly made. As soon as people read about Bluetooth, they think of their Bluetooth speakers and the problems it has transferring proper audio signals from their mobile phone to it. We understand that sending audio over Bluetooth is an inferior solution (at this moment). That is why we do NOT send audio over Bluetooth. We use Bluetooth to link multiple Reclouders and "control" the recording network and process. We record on every single Reclouder itself and upload all recorded content to a cloud session. From here it is synced and made available for post-production and audio enhancement.
Reclouder is not a content grabber that steals your copyrights! We have heart this a few times on our Facebook channel. It seems people are afraid that we steal the content they create. Although, in theory, it might be possible, it is in no way connected to our vision and ideas. Please allow me to explain. Our team is a dedicated group of music industry and technology veterans. We strongly believe that music has value. We see that with the success of streaming services the profits are not shared evenly with all creators. The current situation gives power to a few DSPs (streaming services) and a few record labels (The big 5). Our vision is to bring back the value of music and give that power to the people. The creators! That is a vision we might never reach, but it is in our intention to bring forward this motto in every aspect of our development.
I really get the idea behind this Reclouder. It's about freedom, to me. I'd buy one and encourage my band mates to do so. AND I think it has the potential to change the world of live recording, especially for the everyday local musician.
Reclouder is not a replacement for a (live) mixing console! We have had much feedback from sound engineers and technicians that understand how to operate a mixing console. Of course there are mixing consoles on the market that can record multitrack for a decent price level. We are aware of that. We did not develop Reclouder to replace this mixing console. Actually Reclouder is developed to operate beside a live mixing console. It is build to work as a lossless audio thru-box on stage. You can connect your mic or instrument and link the output to the console without losing audio quality. Therewith it integrates in your existing setup. We've build Reclouder to open up live music recording for a wide range of musicians and creators. For people who cannot operate such a mixing console and need to hire an expert to make that happen. For them, we now offer Reclouder.
Reclouder is not comparable with recording on your mobile phone! On a few occasions people laugh about our value proposition and say "why should I need that, I can just record on my mobile phone". Yes, you can! And as long as you record a digital signal into this digital device and not convert this signal, you should be fine. This is not what we do with Reclouder. Reclouder is made to convert an analog signal to a digital signal and store this in the Reclouder. In other words, Reclouder is dedicated to get the best out of your microphone or instrument. The AD-conversion of any smartphone is inferior to what Reclouder delivers. Furthermore Reclouder comes with a dedicated pro-grade preamp and phantom power to get the richest sound out of the majority of dynamic, condensor and video microphones. This quality can only be delivered with a smartphone if you connect an external audio interface.
Reclouder is not an audio interface! We have people making the comparison with an audio interface. It connects with the request to have more inputs and outputs on Reclouder. There are many audio interfaces on the market. The big difference between mixing consoles, multitrack recorders, audio interfaces and Reclouder is the difference between centralised solutions and decentralised solutions. An interface merges multiple signals into a central point and converts this back to speakers or headphones. This way an audio interface converts analog to digital and after processing in a computer back to analog. Reclouder is only focussed on capturing the best sound and convert this to a digitally stored file without the use of a computer. The computer is not made to travel or be used on stage. An audio interface links sound to a computer. With Reclouder you don't need that. You do not need to know how to operate a computer or an audio interface. You simple connect your wires to Reclouder and press record. Reclouder operates as standalone and makes it possible to record anytime, anywhere.
Reclouder is not replacing the sound engineer! It is no secret that this has been one of the biggest discussions we've encountered during the first three months of project Reclouder. It has been such a hot topic that we dedicated an entire blog to it. Are you curious about what we have had to say about this? Feel free to read it here!